Individual Therapy: Individual therapy specializing in trauma and grief. Clients are guided towards new & meaningful insights regarding past and current traumatic experiences. Therapeutic interventions assist clients in better understanding the impact of trauma on their lives. Therapy services are available to clients ages 12+ experiencing the impact of past or current trauma(s) related to:
Experiencing or witnessing a crime
Volunteering or working as a caregiver
Volunteering or working as a first responder
Death, grief, bereavement and/or loss
​Life Coaching: Life coaching allows clients to gain clarity and establish goals in area(s) of their lives that do not require therapy. Life coaching sessions do not provide clinical therapy or treatment. Instead, clients are guided through the process of identifying life challenges, developing new or improving current life skills, and establishing goals to measure success.
Each life coaching sessions are available for adults, ages 18 and older.
Make an Appointment Today: Visit the online secure client portal, select "I am a New Client" and request an in-person or telemental health appointment. You can also request an appointment by calling 314-991-0100 ext. 737. Please note telemental health appointments are limited. To learn more about telemental health, click here.